What Is Denver Steak?

Have you ever heard of the Denver steak? This lesser-known cut is a hidden gem in the world of beef, offering a delectable combination of tenderness and rich flavor. 

What Is Denver Steak?

Denver steak, also known as the Denver cut or Denver chuck steak, is a relatively new addition to the world of beef cuts.

What Is Denver Steak?

It’s sourced from the chuck primal, specifically the serratus ventralis muscle, which lies beneath the shoulder blade.

What Is Denver Steak?

For this reason, it is sometimes called a “chuck under blade” steak. The serratus ventralis has a high marbling content, making it exceptionally buttery.

What Is Denver Steak?

In fact, The Denver steak is considered the fourth most tender muscle in the cow, surpassed only by the tenderloin, flat iron, and ribeye cap.

Why Is It Called “Denver” Steak?

The name “Denver steak” is somewhat puzzling, as it doesn’t seem to have any direct connection to the city of Denver, Colorado.

Why Is It Called “Denver” Steak?

While the name was most certainly chosen as a marketing tactic, the choice of Denver remains a mystery. 

Why Is It Called “Denver” Steak?

We hypothesize that the names of the steaks were chosen to represent regions of the United States:

Why Is It Called “Denver” Steak?

“Sierra” for the west coast, in honor of the sierra mountains in California.

“Denver” for the mountain states

“Country-style” to represent the southern states

Why Is It Called “Denver” Steak?

“Delmonico” to represent the east coast. (Delmonico’s is a famous New York steakhouse  that popularized a similar cut in the 19th century)

Where Do You Buy Denver Steak?

You can often find it at specialty butcher shops, upscale grocery stores, or online meat suppliers.

Where Do You Buy Denver Steak?

When purchasing Denver steak, look for cuts with good marbling and a deep red color, indicating quality, freshness, and tenderness.

Best Ways To Cook Denver Steak

Due to its inherent tenderness, the Denver steak cut is best suited to high heat and fast cooking.

Best Ways To Cook Denver Steak

This can be accomplished using various cooking methods, including grilling, pan-searing, or broiling. The best way, though, is on a grill.

Do You Need A Marinade?

The Denver cut is plenty flavorful and tender on its own, but we often like to use a marinade to punch up the flavor even more.

Denver Steak Substitutes

If you cannot find the Denver cut, your next best bet will be a ribeye. Like a Denver steak, they also lend themselves to high heat via searing or on the grill.

Denver Steak Substitutes

Although it comes from a different part of the cow, ribeyes are known for their superior tenderness, ample marbling, and deep beef flavor.

Denver Steak Substitutes

When looking for a good ribeye, check first for color and thickness: you want at least one inch thick (preferably 1.5) and a uniform red color.

Denver Steak Substitutes

Then, check for marbling. It should be easily visible and fairly evenly distributed.

Denver Steak Substitutes

Texas de Brazil’s online butcher shop delivers USDA Choice Angus ribeye steaks right to your door.